v.tr. 1) Capture the interest of; attract irresistibly.
2) Paralyses (a victim) with fear. [Based on Latin fascinates ‘enchanted’]
2. Destinations
N. A place to which a person of thing is going.
3. Extra
Adj. Additional; more than is usual or necessary or expected.
4. Vacation
1) A fixed period of cessation from work, esp. in universities and law courts.
2) N. Amer. a holiday.
3) The act of vacating.
5. Early
1) Before the due, usual, or expected time (carried early).
2) A. Not far on in the day of night, or in time (early evening).
B. Prompt; promptly (early payment appreciated; reply early for a reduction).
3) A. Not far on in a process (Early English architecture).
B. Of the distant past (early man).
C. Not far on in a sequence (the early chapters).
4) A. Of childhood, esp. the pre-school years (early learning).
B. Of a creative work immature, youthful.
5) Flowering etc., before other varieties.
6. cultured
Having refined taste and manners and a good education.
7. Particular
1) Relating to or considered as one thing or person as distinct from other; instance.
2) Morn than is usual; special.
3) Scrupulously exact; fastidious.
4) Detailed.
8. Abundance
1) A very great quantity, esp. more than enough.
2) Wealth, affluence. [From Latin abundantia]
9. Wonder
1) Surprise mingled with admiration or curiosity.
2) A strange or remarkable person or thing, event, etc.
3) (attrib.) having marvelous properties etc.
10. Unification
= The act of an instance of unifying; the state of being unified.
11. Significant
1) Having a meaning; indicative.
2) Having an unstated of secret meaning.
3) Noteworthy; important.
12. Sophisticated
1) A. (Of a person) cultured and refined; discriminating in taste and judgment.
B. appealing to sophisticated people of sophisticated taste.
2) (Of a thing, idea, etc.) highly developed and complex.
13. Civilization
1) An advanced stage or system of social development.
2) Those peoples of the world regarded as having this.
3) A people f nation (esp. of the past) regarded as an element of social evolution.
4) Making or becoming civilized.
14. Flourish
1) An ostentatious gesture with a weapon, a hand, etc.
2) An ornamental curving decoration of handwriting.
3) A rhetorical embellishment.
4) Mus. An ornate passage or fanfare.
15. Descendant
(Often foll. By of) A person or thing descended from another
16. Simplify
v.tr. (ies, ied) make easy or easier to do or understand [from Medieval Latin simplificare]
17. Curious
1) Inquisitive.
2) Strange, surprising [from Latin curious ‘careful’]
18. Monument
1) Anything enduring that saves to commemorate or make celebrated, esp. a structure or building.
2) A store or other structure placed over a grave or in a church etc. in memory of the dead.
3) An ancient building or site etc. that has been preserved.
4) (foll. By of, to) A typical or outstanding example (a monument of indiscretion).
19. Preoccupation
1) The state of being preoccupied.
2) A thing that engrosses the mind. [From Latin preoccupation].
20. Scholar
1) A learned person, esp. in language, literature, etc.; an academic.
2) Brit the holder of a scholarship.
3) A person with specified academic ability (is a poor scholar).
21. Ancient
1) Of long ago.
2) Having existed long. [Based on Latin ante ‘before’]
22. Continue
1) tr. (often foll. By verbal noun, or to t infin.) maintain, not stop (an action etc.).
2) A. tr. (also absol.) resume or prolong (a narrative, journey, etc.).
B. intr. Recommence after a pause.
3) tr. be a sequel to.
4) intr. Remain in existence or in a specified state (the weather continued fine).
23. Existence
1) The fact of condition of being or existing.
2) Continued being, esp. the manner of one’s existing of living under adverse conditions. (A wretched existence).
3) All that exists.
24. Evolution
1) Gradual development.
2) A process by which species develop from earlier forms, as an explanation of their origins.
3) The appearance or presentation of events etc. in due succession.
4) A change in the disposition of troops or ships.
5) The giving off or evolving of gas, heat, etc.
6) An opening out.
25. Practice
1) Habitual action or performance.
2) A habit or custom.
3) A. repeated exercise in an activity requiring the development of skill.
B. a session of this.
4) Action or execution as opposed to theory.
5) The professional work or business of a doctor, lawyer, etc.
6) Procedure generally (bad practice).
26. Elaborate
1) Minutely worked out.
2) Complicated.
27. Afterlife
1) Relig. Life after death.
2) life at a later time.
28. Edifice (n.) สิ่งก่อสร้าง, อาคาร
A building, esp. a large imposing one.
29. Religion
1) The belief in a superhuman controlling power, esp. in a personal God of gods entitled to obedience and worship.
2) The expression of this in worship.
3) A particular system of faith and worship.
4) Life under monastic vows.
30. Deserving
31. Worship
1) A. Homage or reverence paid to a deity.
B. The acts, rites, or ceremonies of worship.
2) Adoration or devotion shown towards a person or principle.
32. Honor
US var. of HONOUR.
33. Esteem
High regard; favour (held them in esteem).
34. Elaborate
1) Minutely worked out.
2) Complicated.
35. Administer
1) tr. Attend to the running of (business affairs etc.); manage.
2) tr. A. Be responsible for the implementation of (the law, a punishment, etc.).
B. Eccle. perform the rites of (a sacrament)
3) tr. A. provide, apply (a remedy).
B. delivers (a rebuke).
4) intr. act as administrator.
36. Auxiliary
1) (Of a person or thing) that gives help.
2) (Of services or equipment) subsidiary, additional.
37. Laboratory
A room or building fitted out for scientific experiments, research, chemical manufacture, etc.
38. Specific
1) Clearly defined; definite (has no specific name; told me so in specific terms).
2) relating to a particular subject; peculiar (a style specific to that).
39. Attribute
1) A. A quality ascribed to a person or thing.
B. A Characteristic quality.
2) A material object recognized as appropriate to a person, office, or status (a large car is an attribute of seniority).
40. Association
1) A group of people organized for a joint purpose.
2) The act or an instance of associating.
3) Fellowship; human contact or cooperation.
4) A mental connection between ideas.
41. Consider
1) A. Contemplate mentally, esp. in order to reach a conclusion.
B. Examine the merits of (a candidate, claim, etc.).
2) Look attentively at.
3) Take into account.
4) (foll. By that clause) have the opinion.
5) (foll. By compl.) believe (consider it settled).
6) (as considered adj.) formed after careful thought.
42. Comparative
1) Perceptible by comparison; relative (in comparative comfort).
2) Estimated by comparison (the comparative merits of the two ideas).
3) Of or involving comparison (a comparative study).
4) Gram. (Of an adjective or adverb) expressing a higher degree of a quality.
43. Stability
The quality or state of being stable.
44. Appoint
1) Assign a post to (appoint him governor; appointed to the post).
2) Fix, decide on (a time, place, etc.).
3) (As appointed adj.)equipped, furnished (a badly appointed hotel).
45. Governor
1) A ruler.
2) The executive head of each state of the US.
3) An officer commanding a fortress or garrison.
4) The head or a member of a governing body of an institution.
5) Brit. The official in charge of a prison.
46. lighthouse (n.) ประภาคาร
A tower or other structure containing a beacon light to warn or guide ships at sea
47. covetous (adj.) โลภ
1. greatly desirous (esp of another person’s property)
2. grasping , avaricious
48. notorius (adj.) ฉาวโฉ่,มีชื่อเสียงในทางไม่ดี
Well known,esp. unfaavourably (a notorious criminal ; notorious for its climate)
49. decline (n.) ความเสื่อม
1. gradual loss of vigour or excellence
2. decay , deterioration.
3. the sun’s gradual setting;the last past of the course
4. a fall in price
50. invasion (n.) การรุกราน
1. the act of invading or process of being invaded
2. an entry of a hostile army into a country.
51. subsequent (adj.) ที่ตามมา, ที่เกิดขึ้นภายหลัง
(use foll by to) following a specified event etc. in time, esp as a consequence
52. legacy (n.) สิ่งที่สืบทอดมาจากคนรุ่นก่อน
1. a gifi left in a will
2. something handed down by a predecessor.
53. vibrant (adj) ที่สั่นสะเทือน , ก้องกังวาน
1. vibrating.
2. (of a person or thing) thrilling , quivering.
3. (of sound) resonant.
4. (of colour) bright and striking.
54. gracious (adj) ซึ่งแสดงออกถึงความเมตตากรุณา
1. indulent and beneficent to inferiors
2. (of God) merciful, benign.
3. characterized by elegance and usu wealth.
55. desolate (adj.) ซึ่งรกร้างว่างเปล่า,ทรุดโทรม,เปล่าเปลี่ยว
1. left alone ; solitary.
2. (of a building or place) uninhabited , neglected , barren , dreary , empty.
3. forlorn ; miserable.
56. habitable (adj.) ที่พักอาศัยอยู่ได้
That can be inhabited.
57. ministry (n.) กระทรวง , คณะรัฐมนตรี ,รัฐบาล
1. (prec by the) the body of ministers of a government or of a religion.
2. a period of government under one Prime Minister.
3. ministering , ministration.
58. anchor (n.) สมอเรือ
1. a device used to moor a ship to the sea bottom or a balloon to the ground.
59. competitive (adj.) ที่เกี่ยวกับการแข่งขัน
1. involving , offered for , or by competition.
2. (of prices etc.) low enough to compare well with those of rival traders.
60. sprawl (n.) การนอนแผ่,ท่านอนแผ่
1. a sprawling movement or attitude.
2. a straggling group or mass.
61. metropolis (n.) นครหลวง,เมืองขนาดใหญ่
1. the chief city of a country.
2. a metropolitan bishop’s see.
3. a town or city as a centre of activity.
62. settlement (n.) การตั้งถิ่นฐาน , รกราก
The act or an instance of settling; the process of being settled.
63. predominant (adj.) ที่มีอำนาจเหนือ, ที่มีอิทธิพลเหนือ
Being the strongest or main element.
64. manuscript (adj.) ที่เป็นต้นฉบับ, ซึ่งเขียนเป็นลายมือ
Written by hand.
65. magnificent (adj.) งดงาม,เลิศลอย,สง่างาม
Sumptuously constructed or adorned.
66. edifice (n.) ตึก,อาคาร,สิ่งก่อสร้าง
A building,esp. a large imposing one.
67. commemorate (v.) เป็นที่ระลึกถึง
Celebrate in speech or writing.
68. unforgettable (adj.) ที่ยากจะลืมเลือน
That cannot be fotgotten; memorable,wonderful.
69. souvenir (n.) ของที่ระลึก
A memento of an occasion,place,etc.
70. reproduction (n.) การจำลอง
A copy of a work of art.
71. antiquity (n.) สมัยโบราณ,ของโบราณ
(usu in pl.) buildings and wort of art from ancient time.
72. pleasant (adj.) รื่นรมย์, เพลิดเพลิน, มีมิตรจิตมิตรใจ
(pleasanter, pleasantest) pleasing to the mind, feelings, or senses.
73. climate (n.) ภูมิอากาศ
The prevailing weather conditions of an area.
74. sarcophagus (n.) หีบศพในสมัยโบราณที่ทำจากหิน
A stone coffin.
75. tapestry (n.) พรม,ผ้าทักทอเนื้อหนา
A thick textile fabric in which coloured weft threads are woven to from pictures or designs.
76. sculpture (n.) ประติมากรรม,รูปปั้น/สลัก/หล่อ
A work or works of sculpture.
77. amphitheatre (n.) โรงละคร/ที่นั่งรูปอัฒจันทร์
A semicircular gallery in a theatre.
78. catacomb (n.) โพรงใต้ดิน,อุโมงค์
79. opportunity (n.) โอกาสที่เหมาะสม
A good chance; a favorable occasion.
80. turquoise (n.) สีน้ำเงินอมเขียว
A greenish – blue colour.
81. vicinity (n.) ความใกล้เคียง, บริเวณใกล้เคียง
A surrounding district.
82. surroundings (n.) สภาพแวดล้อม
The things in the neighbourhood of , or the conditions affecting, a person or thing.
83. worthwhile (adj.) คุ้มค่า,คุ้มกับเวลา
That is worth the time or effort spent; of value or importance.
84. airlift (n.) การขนส่งเสบียงกำลังพลทางอากาศ
The transport of troops and supplies by air, esp. in an emergency.
85. numerous (adj.) มากมาย, จำนวนมาก
Consisting of many.
86. monastery (n.) วัด,อาราม,สำนักสงฆ์,ศาสนสถาน
The residence of religious community, esp. of monks.
87. excellent (n.) ดีเด่น,ยอดเยี่ยม
Extremely good.
88. escape (n.) การหลบหนี
The state of having escaped.
89. empathize (v.) หยั่งรู้, รู้ซึ้งถึงความรู้สึกของคนอื่น
Intr.(also-ise) Psychol.
90. Christian (n.) สาวกของพระเยซู, ผู้นักถือศาสนาคริสต์
A person exhibiting Christian qualities.
91. Sheikh (n.) เจ้าผู้ปกครองของอาหรับ, ผู้นำศาสนาอิสลาม
A muslim leader.
92. Abundant (adj.) มากมาย, อุดมสมบูรณ์
Existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.
93. Monotheistic (adj.) ซึ่งเกี่ยวกับศาสนาที่บูชาพระเจ้าเพียงองค์เดียว
The doctrine that there is only one God.
94. Excursion (n.) การเดินทางระยะสั้น
A short journey of pleasure, with return to the starting point.
95. commandment (n.) บัญญัติ, คำสั่งอันศักดิ์สิทธิ์
A divine command.
96. catholic (adj.) ใจกว้าง, โอบอ้อมอารี
1. universal
2. of wide sympathies or interests.
97. coincidence (n.) เหตุบังเอิญ
1. a occurring or being together.
An instance of this.
98. recommend (v.) แนะนำ,มอบ,ทำให้มีส่วนที่ดี
1. suggest as fit for some purpose or use.
2. advise as a course of action etc.
99. acceptable (adj.) ที่ยอมรับได้,เป็นที่น่าพอใจ
1. a worthy of being accepted.
2. adequate, satisfactory.
100. frequent (adj.) บ่อย,ที่เป็นนิสัย
1. occurring often or in close succession.
2. habitual.
3. found near together; abundant.
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